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Descripción del libro "Solano Bay of My Loves"
Many times in my memory I remember Solano Bay bringing to mind the memory of those dirt roads and its infinite shades of green. It seems to me that I can still hear the chirping of the birds and in my imagination, I return to all those moments of my childhood, when we refreshed ourselves in the waterfalls and ran in that bay with its own life and its own history. I remember the huts' stone stoves, the sun wishing to filter itself through each of the corners, the wild flowers and the lullaby of the waves that, in its constant motion kissed the sand in a dance accompanied by the murmurs of the water in its continuous movement. I still seem to perceive the smell of damp earth after the rain, the aroma of the flowers mixing with the salt of the sea, and I think I can hear the patter of torrential rains on the roofs. If I could turn back the time, I would love to capture that bay in an image and add the colors that my young eyes retained because for those that lave nature, Solano Bay was nature, charm and beauty all in one.
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Acerca de Miriam Jaramillo |
Miriam Jaramillo nació en Colombia y se radicó hace muchos años en New Jersey, Estados Unidos de América, lugar donde reside en la actualidad. Amante de la lectura, romántica y soñadora, desde muy niña se dedicó a escribir en diferentes géneros. En 2012 publicó en este mismo sello editorial su obra ilustrada para niños “Colección Milo de Cuentos Infantiles”, en edición bilingüe inglés-castellano y en 2014, también en ambos idiomas, sus memorias reunidas en el libro “Bahía Solano de mis amores”.
Miriam Jaramillo was born in Colombia but has resided for many years in New Jersey, USA. Since she was a young girl, she has loved reading and is dedicated to writing in all different genres. She is a romantic and a dreamer. In the year 2012, she published in the same editorial house an illustrated book for children “Collection Millo of Children Stories” in a bilingual edition, English-Spanish.
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