9,6 x 15,4 cm
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Idioma - Ingles
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425 Pág.
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Descripción del libro usado "The small house at Allington"
The Small House at Allington, one of Trollope''s finest achievements, belongs to the famous Barsetshire series, coming between Framley Parsonage and The Last Chronicle of Barset. Its characters include "dear Lily Dale", Trollope''s own favourite and perhaps his most charming heroine; Crosbie, the smooth Apollo; Johnny Eames, into whom Trollope put something of himself; the unpleasant de Courcy ladies, and others whom the reader has already met. Though much of the action is set in the country, Trollope gives us a vivid picture of what it was like to live and work in the London of the 186os. The story of Lily Dale and Johnny Eames is continued in The Last Chronicle of Barset. The Small House at Allington was first published serially in the Cornhill Magazine, 1862-4, and first appeared in book form in 1864.
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