Dragonflight - Volume 1 of the dragonriders of pern de Anne McCaffrey
Del Rey
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304 Pág.
U$S 31.49
Libro agotado. Lamentablemente, vendimos el único ejemplar disponible.
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Descripción del libro usado "Dragonflight - Volume 1 of the dragonriders of pern"
Lessa''s Last Chance After ten long Turns, Lessa was ready to come out of hiding, to reclaim her birthright... and to Impress the young dragon queen and become Weyrwoman of Bender. Suddenly the deadly silver Threads once again thereatened all Pern with destruction. But the mighty telepathic dragons that for centuries had defended Pern were now few in number, not nearly enough to protect the planet in its hour of greatest peril. Then Lessa hatched a daring and dangerous scheme to rally support from people who had long ago ceased to exist!.
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